Wednesday, December 21, 2016
New Year, New Me
My intentions for next year is I want to be a better leader and a kinder person. Next year I want to volunteer more and be in more extra coriculars. I want to be kinder by lending a helping hand, be friends with people who don't have many friends, and I want to show my kindness to those who need it most. I will change by spending my time with those who will use it better than me, I will change by helping out in food pantries, I will change by helping animal shelters with caring for the animals. I can see that I can improve myself in being a leader by not being mortified to cheer for my teams. I can see myself improve being kinder and articulate on showing being people.
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
These Are Our Rights
Are you Latino? Were you born in Mexico? Did you come to America with no papers? If you answered yes to all of these questions you may be in trouble. Mr. Donald Trump wants to build a wall to keep immigrants out of the U.S. He also wants to remove Hispanics and Latinos.
What Mr.Trump might not know is he is taking away one of our human rights. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it say’s, “Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.” This quote is making it clear that we must have the freedom to move as we please. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights also say’s, “Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.” This quote is also making very clear that if we want to leave our country we have the right to come back as well.
Who is really involved in all of this? Latinos’ in particular are mostly involved in this. By building a wall on the borders of Mexico you are taking away these people’s right to move as they please. If this wall does take place it will result in chaos. How do you think. If so many latinos want to leave their country why do you really think they are leaving?
We can help immigrants by making protesting to the wall and giving our complaints to the President. We should care because immigrants if that was you and your family, all you want to do is have the best for them, how would you think of them if you were in their shoes. If it all immigrants were removed, there would be a sudden increase in job openings. In the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it say’s, “Other occupations with high shares of Hispanics or Latinos were building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations (36.7 percent) and construction and extraction occupations (32.3 percent).” This quote reveals that many jobs in the U.S are occupied by Hispanics or Latinos.
All in all, if this wall is built immigrants human rights will be taken away from them. Also if latinos or Hispanics are removed there would be a sudden increase on job openings. If we don't do something now then who knows what will happen to many innocent people in the future.
What Mr.Trump might not know is he is taking away one of our human rights. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it say’s, “Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.” This quote is making it clear that we must have the freedom to move as we please. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights also say’s, “Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.” This quote is also making very clear that if we want to leave our country we have the right to come back as well.
Who is really involved in all of this? Latinos’ in particular are mostly involved in this. By building a wall on the borders of Mexico you are taking away these people’s right to move as they please. If this wall does take place it will result in chaos. How do you think. If so many latinos want to leave their country why do you really think they are leaving?
We can help immigrants by making protesting to the wall and giving our complaints to the President. We should care because immigrants if that was you and your family, all you want to do is have the best for them, how would you think of them if you were in their shoes. If it all immigrants were removed, there would be a sudden increase in job openings. In the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it say’s, “Other occupations with high shares of Hispanics or Latinos were building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations (36.7 percent) and construction and extraction occupations (32.3 percent).” This quote reveals that many jobs in the U.S are occupied by Hispanics or Latinos.
All in all, if this wall is built immigrants human rights will be taken away from them. Also if latinos or Hispanics are removed there would be a sudden increase on job openings. If we don't do something now then who knows what will happen to many innocent people in the future.
Sunday, December 11, 2016
What A Gift
I recall my favorite Christmas present was getting an iPod touch when I was nine. It was amazing to me because I've been wanting one ever since they came out, and my two brothers had one and they seemed really cool. I couldn't determine who gave it to me until a week later, it was from my oldest brother. When my mom explained that he gave it to me I was not too happy about it, but shocked because when we were younger we were not very fond of each other, but after a while I did thank him and we became a little closer. Today I still have the iPod, but I gave it back to him because he needed it for when we travel, and I got a tablet from my parents so he was fine with it. It was because of that iPod me and him are somewhat closer today
Saturday, December 3, 2016
That's My Quote
My all time favorite quote is "treat others like you want to be treated", this quote was from a lot of my family members but especially my grandparents. This quote means a lot to me because respect and treating others well is a huge part of wh I am, I don't want to treat someone badly or disrespect them because I know if someone were to do that to me I wouldn't like it. I connect with this quote because when I was younger I would be picked on in school by this girl, then one day I saw an older girl picking on her and it made me feel bad but happy that she knows what she did to me and how it made me feel, she did apologize in the end and that's why I have so much respect for this quote.
Friday, December 2, 2016
OH! So That's What My Name Means!
My name is originated from Greece. My name, Cynthia, is also the name of a greek moon goddess. I was named Cynthia because my father liked the name and my mother told me that my first and last name represent strong character and they thought it was a powerful name. My mother also told me she named me Cynthia because i'm a strong person and I am also a possessive, moody, sour outside, sweet inside, kind of person.I like my name because it suits me very well but I have always loved the idea of being name Valentina (Valentines) after my grandfather Valentine.
Thursday, November 17, 2016
I Am Grateful
I am grateful for many things in this world, these are just a few I would like to share with you today. I am grateful o have my family act and treat me the way they do, if it wasn't for them, I would be a very different, most likely wild, person I am today, so I am happy to call them my family. I am extremely grateful for my dogs, I couldn't keep my first two dogs, so the three I have now, are a huge part of my life and I would do anything for them, they keep me happy when no one can make me smile, they know the right moments to cuddle, which is every moment, but most of all they love me and I love them with all my heart. The last thing I am grateful for is my amazing friends, if it wasn't for them I would probably still be the shy girl I was when I start 6th grade, now that we are in 8th grade, they have shown me so much, they are the reason I became a cheerleader, they are the reason I am an extremely happy person, but most of all they are the reason I am not afraid to be myself and be proud of my body and life.
What are you grateful for? Comment below
What are you grateful for? Comment below
Friday, November 4, 2016
The distance between us
I have been reading the book, The Distance Between us by Kasie West. I liked that this book was a teen romance book. I recommend this book because it starts off about a mother and a daughter who live on their own after their husband(dad) left them. I also recommend this book to those who like a bit of mystery and romance, this book gives of many types of vibes, happy, sad, anger, etc. As you get into the book a little you notice that the romance between the daughter and a rich boy doesn't happen until later on in the story since the daughter is always doubting her feelings for the boy.
Oh No, My Mom Ran Someone One Over
Maria the mother of Cynthia was taking her to school last year, Maria hit a 17 year old on his bike, since she didn't see him due to a large bush in the corner of the alley. Maria heard Cynthia yelling, "MOM, MOM,MOM", she didn't know what was wrong, she thought she dropped something. There was a loud BANG. Maria YELPED making her and Cynthia's faces' go pale. Maria ran out of the car to go see what happened. There was shock all over her face. She had just ran a boy over. She said in a worried tone "Are you alright, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you coming". The boy didn't say anything he just nodded his head, he was riding his bike, Maria reopened the door to the drivers seat and said "I guess your walking to school today Cynthia, hurry up before your late", she had so much worry in her voice, and with that Cynthia started out the car.
When Cynthia started walking to the front of the car she turned to look at the boy against a garage. Then she look at her mothers car, Cynthia noticed the boy threw himself (or she could say his "foot") under the car instead of his bike. She looked back at him, he had head phones in his ears and forgot to look into the alley to check for passing cars. She didn't want to leave her mother alone with this boy but she couldn't do anything so she started for school. Do you want this to happen to you? Do you want your kids to get hit by a car? Do you want your music to be the cause you go to the hospital? Be safe and look both ways before crossing an alley and a street.
When Cynthia started walking to the front of the car she turned to look at the boy against a garage. Then she look at her mothers car, Cynthia noticed the boy threw himself (or she could say his "foot") under the car instead of his bike. She looked back at him, he had head phones in his ears and forgot to look into the alley to check for passing cars. She didn't want to leave her mother alone with this boy but she couldn't do anything so she started for school. Do you want this to happen to you? Do you want your kids to get hit by a car? Do you want your music to be the cause you go to the hospital? Be safe and look both ways before crossing an alley and a street.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
The Best Day Ever
The day I got my first dog was the best day of my life. I was about 6 years old when I got home from school and it was also a week past my birthday. My grandfather had picked me up from school that day, he seemed happier than usual, like he was excited to do something. When we got home he surved me some food and went to his room. After about 10 minutes of finishing my food, I started to hear little barking sounds coming from my grandfathers room. After and little braking stopped my grandfather came out of his room with a cage. I got up from the couch and walked over to him. He said "Happy late Birthday" and with that he opened the cage. A small chihuahua ran out and jumped on me. I layed down on the floor and the little dog ran all over me, nipping and smelling me. The dog even grabbed my hair and started to drag me. I named her Coco after my favorite shaved ice flavor. After that day I came home everyday after school excited to play with my dog.
Monday, October 31, 2016
My Character from the Outsiders
In my ELA class we read the Outsiders and it was a pretty good book. The character I chose from the book to analyze was Cherry Valence, she is a cheerleader, and when you first meet her she might be a bit rude but if you are nice, she will be too. I learned That Cherry saw a different side to her boyfriend Bob who was killed by a greaser. Cherry didn't really change during the book but she did become closer to the greasers even though greasers a killed her boyfriend. The thing I like about Cherry is that she is kind to everyone who is kind to her because their are many Socs' that are not very kind to greasers but Cherry think they are all the same.
The song "My Everthing" by Ariana Grange reminds me of Cherry because when she lost Bob, she started talking about him and no one really thought she loved him that much. So this song reminds me of Cherry's heart break.
The song "My Everthing" by Ariana Grange reminds me of Cherry because when she lost Bob, she started talking about him and no one really thought she loved him that much. So this song reminds me of Cherry's heart break.
Monday, October 17, 2016
The younger me
When I was little one of my all time favorite movies was beauty and the beast and it still is today. I never had a favorite book when I was little because I used to struggle with reading so I didn't like to read much. One of my all time favorite items from when I was born was my baby blanket, I still have used it but I keep it folded on the corner of my bed, I only use it if I'm really cold and I bearly ever get cold. My favorite shoes when I was little were my little "school girl" black leather flats. My favorite TV shoe was SpongeBob Squarepants but that changed to KC Undercover over the years. My favorite snack was a pickle right before lunch and I still enjoy it today. My favorite brother is my second oldest, his name is Ivan, me and my eldest brother never seem to get along but Ivan let's me tag along with him sometimes. My final favorite thing from when I was little were my two chihuahuas, they are no longer with me but I have there two pups to remind me of them and a new member to my family, my first pitbull.
Friday, October 14, 2016
What are those tips to remember?
I have three pretty good tips to help you make your blogs just a little better. One of my tips is to put pictures. When you put pictures, you give your readers something fun to see and not just all that writing you have. Another tip I have for you is, be wise with what your topic is and how you write. If you pick a topic, for example, the Eiffel Tower, you shouldn't just give all facts, you should of course write nothing but the truth but put in some fun facts so that your readers don't get bored. Finally my last tip is, pick a fun title, you want to catch your readers attention but be mine full that the tittle still relates to your topic. For example, would you rather read a blog with the title as, "My Summer Vacation" or would you rather read a blog with the title, "The Vacation That Literally Blew Me Away".
A Fairytale Handbook
I have been reading the book The Ever Never Handbook by Soman Chainani. This is no ordanry book, it talks about how to survive in a school for the good and bad. This book takes place in a far away land with a map of the outside of the school and a map of the side of the school. The head masters of the school are both women but one is good and the other is evil. This school is meant for the heros from famous fairytale books and newly found villians. What I like the most about this book is that it gives you tips about how to survive, as if you were going to the school. I also liked that thi book had so many pictures and because of the pictures I could get a good idea of how people acted and treated each other. The pictures also gave me an idea of what the school would look like as well.

Sunday, October 9, 2016
Where I want to go back!
I have been to Durango, MX and I would like to go back. I want to go back because I have family that I love to see over there. I want to go back because I want to see the new friends I made over there. I enjoy the parties me and my family went too. I miss the times we went to the pool, and the park. I want to go to Mexico because I want to be with my family and friends again.
Monday, October 3, 2016
The book I didn't expect to like over the summer
The book I am currently reading is called Beast Keeper. the Author of the book is Cat Hellism. The main character is Sarah and every few months when the weather gets too cold for Sarah's mother, and her family move. In the beginning of the story the setting takes place in a house near the woods where there is a school. Sarah's mother leaves her father and Sarah. After her mother left many months later Sarah makes a friend in the woods and her father turned more and more into a beast thing man. One day serious father takes her to go live in a castle with her grandparents who she didn't know even where I live. Her new home is full of magic and curses and when Sarah falls in love she will be cursed and become a beast after her mother left many months later Sarah makes a friend in the woods and her father turned more and more into a beast thing man. One day serious father takes her to go live in a castle with her grandparents who she didn't know even where I live. Her new "home" is full of magic and curses and when Sarah falls in love she will be cursed and become a beast.
Sarah is facing external problems. One external problem is that her mother left her and her father for some unknown reason, in the book it says, " "This is madness," her father said, but there was a serrated panic under his words. " You can't do this," he said. "There's no coming back.Please. You can't-". Another external problem was that her father left Sarah with her grandparents she didn't know existed. Sarah is also facing one internal problem, she is trying to figure out how to break the curse.
Sarah is facing external problems. One external problem is that her mother left her and her father for some unknown reason, in the book it says, " "This is madness," her father said, but there was a serrated panic under his words. " You can't do this," he said. "There's no coming back.Please. You can't-". Another external problem was that her father left Sarah with her grandparents she didn't know existed. Sarah is also facing one internal problem, she is trying to figure out how to break the curse.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
In 10 years
When I was little girl I have always loved animals and ever since my first dog I became the happiest person on earth. One day when I was a little older I saw the dog wandering the streets alone, and my heart dropped. Another day I saw a stray cat and then started to make me think why would their owners let the pets leave.
When I was 10 years old I found a dog walking by himself in front of my grandparents house. So I told my brothers to help me get him call his owner and I told them be more careful next time. From that day on I always wanted to help every animal I found.
I always wanted to volunteer at an animal shelter because I wanted to help give the dog a bath and walk them so that they know some people do care about them. I haven't volunteered at the shelter yet because I have a very busy schedule to keep up with. I also want to see myself in business school and Vet school because if there is something wrong with an animal I want to know how to help them myself or if I can, I can take them to a vet, and I want to go to business school to know how to open up the shelter in the future.
I also see myself with the drivers license because if I drive I won't need my parents to take me places or walk to college or take the bus. I also see myself in a relationship or engaged because the thought of spending the rest of my life with someone seems so wonderful.
All in all I want to find someone someone the same passion of animals as me. I want to open up a shelter to get animals off the streets. I want to go to college to get a good education and be successful in life. I also want to write a book because I want pet owners to be a better pet owners, and actually give their pets the proper care.
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