Friday, April 28, 2017

My Tears Fall

Animal cruelty and Child abuse is the most important topics to me because like people, animals feel and have emotions, they shouldn't be treated badly because all they want is love. Child abuse is important to me as well because children don't deserve to be treated badly, like animals shouldn't be treated bad too. Some kids don't even know why they get abused and fear their abusers but are too scared to say anything. What breaks my heart the most is that people with a voice decide to stay silent when other things such as animals don't have a voice to fight with. Child abuse also makes me sad because while the children are still developing, they are being exposed to that violence and have a higher chance of being abusers too.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

I Am Powerful, but I am also Powerless

I feel powerful when I am given a huge responsibility, that makes me feel powerful because it makes me feel like I have power over people as well as being able to know how much power I can handle. Many people who have power think that it's easy to have it but you can lose it just as fast as you got it if you abuse it. One example of when I feel powerful is when I am given the responsibility to look after my god brother and sister. I feel powerful because I have control over them but what makes me feel even more power is that my god mother trusts in me to give me the responsibility in the first place.

I am not always powerful though. I do feel powerless at times as well. One time when I was younger, about 10, I was told I couldn't do somethings, whether it was join my brothers at the park or not being able to cook by myself. I felt powerless because when I cook I have to wait and rely on someone to help me when I already know what to do. I feel powerless not being able to join my brother because since I am the youngest child it makes me feel left out and I also have no one to be with. I also feel powerless when I am not acknowledged and people don't listen to what I have to say because they think I don't understand and that makes me feel lonely.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

What is it to me?

What is positive change? To me positive change is making a change for the benefit of others and for yourself. What does it mean to empower others? To empower others is to show people they have a voice and use their voices to make one huge voice to fight for what they want. What is activism? Activism is when someone wants to make a change for a cause in the world but doesn't sit don and complain to others how somethings not right, no, activism is when someone does something about that cause and tries to help make it better. One of my talents is communicating with yo her children and I treasure animals more than anything as well as my family. I can make better use of my time by volunteering at animal shelters, day cares, and many other places that benefit others instead of just sitting around and doing nothing.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017


The book I have read is called Twisted by Laurie Halse Anderson. It is about a boy who has gotten into some trouble by going to a party and getting caught in a crime he didn't do. He already had his run in with the police before and even got a P.O (Parole Officer) but what the police think he did to a girl is something he would never do.

I recommend this book to a mature audience because there is inappropriate language in this book. Other than language this book is now one of my personal favorites because the main character is someone that many people can't relate too but some teens might. Throughout the book he develops  a sence of confidence to also stand up for himself against his school and father.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Life is beautiful

Similarities between the "Life is Beautiful" and the poems and readings I have read are the they both involved Jews. Another similarity was that Jews were taken to consideration camps, they also boarded trains. Another connection between the movie and he readings was, Jews were treated terribly and they lived in terrible conditions, and they were also killed. One difference between the movie and the readings was that the man in the movie kept lying to his and telling his son that it was all a big game and nothing was going to happen to them.

One difference between the two is in the movie the mood is a little more light hearted then in the readings. One similarities in mood is that in the movie and in some of the children's poems, they look for the good things in their bad situations. Another difference between the movie and the readings  is that in the movie it gives you a better understanding what happens in those concentration camps and in the readings they can only tell you and you have to try and use imagery to see it.

One example of how life was beautiful in the movie is that a man fell in love with a woman and still had a good life with a son. This is beautiful because this man found the love of his life and had a child, if that doesn't sound amazing than I don't know what does. Another way this movie was beautiful is, even though the man and his family went to the camps and got slit up, the man tried to keep his sons mind as innocent as possible and to not put fear in his sons mind. That's beautiful because the man makes it a game for his son and also tries to make sure his wife knows that he's fine.